Date | Events |
March, 1972 | Yokohama Chukagai Parking Cooperative was established.
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December, 1972 | The Cooperative built the primary facility(Building A) |
August, 1978 | Construction of the Cooperative’s second facility (Building B) |
July, 1985 | Construction of the Cooperative’s third facility (Building C)![]() |
February, 1991 | Risk of collapse in the case of a large earthquake reported, consideration of reconstruction of facilities. |
January, 1995 | The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occured, promoting consideration of reconstruction. |
May, 1995 | The project plan for reconstruction was unanimously approved at the general meeting. |
August, 1995 | Committee for the reconstruction project was established. |
August, 1997 | Former facilities closed. |
September, 1997 | Demolition of former facilities began. |
August, 1998 | New facilities opened. |
September, 1998 | The cooperative established its website. |
October, 1998 | Victory celebration of the Yokohama DeNA Bay Stars was held in a bus parking lot. ![]() |
February, 1999 | Spring Festival Event was held in a bus parking lot.![]() |
February, 2002 | Event of Spring Festival was held in a bus parking lot. |
November, 2001 | The cooperative received Best Partnership Award from Kanagawa Prefecture. |
July, 2002 | A car number recognition system was introduced, allowing for smoother in and out procedures for the vehicles. |
January, 2003 | Chief Director Enatsu received Best Director Award from the Federation of Small Business Associations. |
July, 2003 | The entrance wall of the cooperative was illuminated. |
November, 2003 | Chief Director Enatsu received Best Director Award from Kanagawa Prefecture. |
February, 2005 | Fare adjustment compatible with banknotes was introduced. |
April, 2005 | The website was updated. |
April, 2006 | Introduction of passenger vehicles and buses and parking lot patrol was entrusted to International Security LTD. |
April, 2008 | The cooperative started to entrust Introduction of passenger vehicles and buses and parking lot patrol was entrusted to International Security LTD. |
April, 2008 | Motorcycle parking lot was opened. |
October, 2009 | Lighting in the lobby was changed to LED lights. |
October, 2009 | Introduction of charging equipment for electric cars. |
October, 2010 | Entrance decoration was repaired. |
September, 2011 | A Kids space was established. |
November, 2011 | The cooperation joined Eco-cap Action. |